Change the world by joining the Infusion Church Planting team as an intern.

We offer internships for 18-25+ year olds who desire to give up part of their time to serve God in London. You would get chance to work alongside one of our Infusion Church Plants and be a part of what God is doing in London. Whether it is for a summer, semester, or year, the time you spend in London will make a lasting impact in Heaven. 

“Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." Matthew 6:19-21

An internship in London will give you the opportunities to enhance your current skills in ministry and learn new ones. We want to fit you into areas you feel called and gifted to do and we also want to teach new areas of service in the church. You will get the opportunity to do:

  • Evangelism

  • Discipleship

  • Bible studies

  • Kids ministry

  • Teen ministry

  • Assisting others on mission trips

An internship in London, we pray, will not only be a once in a lifetime opportunity but also a place where God prepares you to be able to serve Him for the rest of your life. Each internship is tailored to fit the intern and help him/her grow in their faith. Whether you want to be in full time ministry one day or not, this internship is for you. We believe that after serving God faithfully in London, you will go back home and know how to better help and serve your local church.

Requirements for Application

  • Must be at least 18

  • Pastoral recommendation from your Church

  • Have serving experience in your church

Your Financial responsibility in London

  • Transportation to and from London

  • Visa to be able to live in London for the duration of your internship

  • Transportation in London

  • Food in London

  • Mobile phone service

What we provide in London

  • Housing

  • Mentoring from one of our leaders

  • Discipleship training

  • Mentoring and Discipleship material



Want to apply for an internship? 

Fill out the form below and we will be in contact (via email) with you about the next steps for beginning an internship in London.